What’s In A Name?
We are pleased to announce a big change beginning immediately…the name of the store is now Elma Wine & Liquor. In discussions with people during the process of selecting a new name and sharing the name with some people to get feedback, the same questions often arose, “Why are you changing it?”, “Why do you need ‘wine’ in the name?”, and “Are you changing what you sell?”.
Those first two questions can be answered together.
There was a time when Elma Liquor had just a few dozen products to choose from and many of those were of the liquor variety. As times have changed and the alcohol industry has evolved we have increased our selection to include not only hundreds of choices of liquor in all flavors and sizes, but also over 1,500 wines from around the world. That is quite an astonishing shift, thanks in no small part to the growing trend of wine consumption throughout the country and the strengthening of our local wine producers in New York State.
With wine accounting for such a large part of our inventory and sales we decided it was time to have that reflected in the name of the store so that potential new customers have a clear understanding of what our store offers. Believe it or not, we still have customers that walk through our doors for the first time and say, “Oh, you sell wine too?”
We want to be sure that this doesn’t happen anymore and possibly attract even more new customers by being more visible in what we offer. As more people continue to shop with us and share their interests we will be able to continue to grow and tailor our selection to your preferences. We will also be able to offer better pricing on some of those products that see increased sales.
As for changing what we sell, we don’t plan to radically change anything. As we have always done, we add new products as you request them or as our distributors introduce items we think make a good fit. And, as is the same in any retail store, we discontinue items that stop selling or show a strong decrease in popularity. Just because we don’t have a product on the shelves anymore does not mean we can’t get it though – whether for a one time order or to reintroduce it for someone who buys it on a regular basis.
Bottom line, on an everyday basis you won’t notice a change to our core offering of outstanding customer service, helpful advice, and willingness to please. The name on the sign will change, and the product line will continue to evolve as it has over time, but rest assured, you will still be able to purchase your regular bottle of wine or liquor and still see the same smiling faces behind the counter taking care of you.
We look forward to seeing you soon at Elma Wine & Liquor!
April 26, 2016 @ 1:56 am
Nice! Great idea!