Tips For Hosting A Great Party
Enjoy Yourself While Being A Gracious Host
Hosting a party? Don’t stress! Many people dread having people over and entertaining guests because it means playing host—constantly mixing drinks and making sure everyone else is happy. Instead of running around and stressing out over whether or not people are having fun, why not sit back and be part of the fun. Here are some tips for party hosts that will make sure you have fun and pull off a truly great party. After all, parties are all about having fun and connecting with family and friends.
Set The Tone
Your guests will relax if you do. If you’re frantic and worried about making sure your dip bowl is still full or you’re spilling wine because you’re moving so fast, your guests will feel anxious as well. Smile and greet your guests as they come in, and make sure to grab everyone their first drink. Show them where they can get refreshers after they’ve topped off their first drink, and go back to enjoying yourself.
Spread It Out
Spreading out the food you put out can help to facilitate more social interactions and mingling. You’ll also cut down on running low on supply faster and you can direct people away from the kitchen as you go to get more dip and apps. If you spread out the food you can prevent people from hovering around you in the kitchen, and they’ll be more apt to grab some goodies and join the party.
Be Prepared & Easygoing
If you’re going into a party with the perfect vision of how everything will go, just throw that notion out the window. Go with the flow and be flexible. Being prepared is easy if you plan ahead. Below is a list of things that will help ensure you are prepared.
- Having an ice cooler set up near your mixers will eliminate the traffic back and forth to the freezer and keep you outside with everyone else, enjoying the party.
- Have garnishes pre-sliced and ready.
- Prepare extra for any appetizer platters so replenishing is quick and easy and you’re not standing in the kitchen chopping vegetables and cheese while everyone else is mingling.
- Purchase twist off top wines instead of corked wines if possible
- Premix up a batch of a delicious cocktail and spend less time mixing. Here’s an example of one that everyone should enjoy:
1 gallon of Vodka
1 bottle of Sour Mix
2 cans pineapple (diced)
2 Apples (diced)
2 Kiwis
1 Lime
Fruit Punch (to taste)
Sugar (to taste)
Instructions: Mix well in a large cooler. Let it sit for a day or two if possible and the more fruit the better (you can add any additional fruits you’d like melons, grapes, etc.) Be sure to stir it, and taste test so that you can improve it as you go. Serve in a punch cups.
** To add that special something to the party, carve out a watermelon and serve the wapatula from it.**
The best way to ensure your guests can take care of themselves during a party is to make sure they know where your drinks can be found—beer in the fridge—wine on the rack—spirits in the cabinet. Whatever you may have for your guests, your friends will be fine once they know where they can find their next drink without having to make a run to the liquor store. Ready to plan that party? Make sure to stop in to Elma Wine & Liquor to pick up all your favorite wines and spirits and be sure to check our Events page for chances to try products for free before you buy them! Not sure what to buy? We can help!
October 27, 2016 @ 11:58 pm
I love your thoughts to premix a cocktail and have extra appetizers on hand to quickly restock. I imagine it could be fun to involve your guests in the food prep process as well, which would inspire even more social interactions. You may even be able to come up with some fun games or competitions as part of it!